Sustainability Policy

Year on year we will set business goals that include strategies focussed on the following criteria:

  • Reducing single use plastics wherever possible – aiming to be in line with the announced ban products coming into force in October 2023 and with future thoughts to the deposit return scheme in 2025
  • Reducing our use of paper across our business with guests with online check in, guest information and correspondence
  • Reducing the carbon footprint of our business operation – including using online methods rather than traveling when appropriate, reducing waste where possible and conserving water
  • Use herbs and vegetables from our garden when in season and possible
  • We have a pond with ducks, geese and moorhen’s habitat creating a positive ecosystem
  • Aged Hedges around boarders and within land to encourage natural wildlife and habitats
  • Land allowed to rewild including marsh land and lake to encourage natural wildlife and habitats
  • Woodland creation plan in process to make the establishment Carbon neutral
  • Bird and Bat boxes
  • Employee local people many of which walk to work or use public transport.
  • We source local suppliers wherever possible to reduce food miles
  • We use local contractors where possible
  • All kitchen food waste is used to power the food wastes collection vehicles
  • Electric car charging stations across our establishment
  • Constantly review and improve our waste management and recycling strategies
  • Reducing energy costs and monitoring to find improvements with the use of a half hourly metre
  • We have a sound limiter build into sound systems to reduce noise pollution and policies in please to limit this further
  • Solar panels currently installed and plans for future further development
  • Work with suppliers who have similar goals and objectives – i.e. laundry equipment provider who use 30% less energy usage and 23% less water usage



Should you require any further information regarding our current sustainability policy please do not hesitate to contact us.